Table of Contents
加能史料 戦国Ⅳ (Kano Historical Records, Sengoku IV, Records belonging to Kitano Shrine, Meiō 2, 5th, 11th, 12th, 13th day of the 3rd month, 4th, 13th day of the 4th month, 25th day of the intercalculary 4th month, 9th and 22nd day of the 8th month, 17th day of the 9th month, 2nd, 3rd, 5th day of the 11th month, 1493)
加能史料 戦国Ⅳ (Kano Historical Records, Sengoku IV, Records belonging to Kitano Shrine, Meiō 2, 5th, 11th, 12th, 13th day of the 3rd month, 4th, 13th day of the 4th month, 25th day of the intercalculary 4th month, 9th and 22nd day of the 8th month, 17th day of the 9th month, 2nd, 3rd, 5th day of the 11th month, 1493)
十二日、北野社松梅院禅予、社領加賀国福田荘の名主百姓に、代官の下向を待ち、年貢・公事を進納するよう命ずる。 「北野社家引付」明応二年三月五日条・十一日条・十二日条・十三日条・四月四日条・十三日条・ (三月)
五日、天気殊勝、午の剋(うまのこく)少し雨降る、即ち晴れ也 (下略) (江沼郡) (本願寺実如) (波々伯部(ごべ)盛郷(もりごと) 十二日、天気殊勝、(中略) 一、右近三郎(うこんさぶろう)今夜門出(かどで)申し付け也、 十三日、天気殊勝、 一、今日福田の庄へ右近三郎差し下り也、路銭十疋下行(けぎょう)、 (細川政元) 代官下向相待ち、先規の如く厳重其沙汰致すべく者也、万一先代官之語らいに隨い、難渋 せしむ族之在れば、一段罪科處さるるべき由也、仍って下知の件の如し 明応貳 小畠藏人助(くろどすけ) 十一郷各別名主之、 名主百姓中 十一通之下す、 (洲崎) (能美郡) (下略) (四月) 十三日、雨降る、(中略) 田の事申し合う旨之在り、 (下略) へ申し遣さるるべしと云々、 (八月) (七カ) (下略) 廿二日、天気少し曇り、(中略) 一、今日壬生地藏無言御百度、相乗りを以って之沙汰す、福田の事成就(じょうじ)せし (松梅院)めば、重ねて無言御千度沙汰すべし、但し其人数中禅予廻すべしと云々、 (九月) (十一月) (下略) 五日、天気快晴、(中略) (下略) 福田の事に就き、丹波殿へ状を遣わす、赤松殿今夕山科へ出らるると云々、(pp.82-85) This document relates to an attempt by Zenyo of Shōbaiin to have the myōshu of Fukuda shō pay their tithes and perform their public works. Apparently the previous Daikan of the estate had refused to do this, hence a letter was sent, probably under the signature of retainers of Shōbaiin, to the myōshu, instructing them to obey the directives of the estate owner until a new Daikan was appointed. Interestingly enough, Zenyo seems to have made many visits to Hosokawa Masamoto, presumably because he had an influence on Honganji and Jitsunyo. By using this influence, Zenyo may have been attempting to persuade Honganji to instruct its followers to obey the directives of the estate owner. Indeed, Zenyo seems to have discussed the issue with many different individuals, including a representative of Tenryūji and with Akamatsu Masanori. In the last few sentences, Zenyo thanks Masamoto for his efforts relating to Fukuda shōen, which was presumably discussed by Zenyo with Masamoto and Akamatsu some days earlier, for on the 5th of the 11 month Akamatsu is said to travel to Yamashina to talk with Jitsunyo. |